Painted Pony Bean

SKU: 1462A
$3.95 to $16.01

Item Details

A great dual purpose bean. Long thin pods are stringless and good for snap beans. The dry beans are excellent for soups and retain their markings when cooked. Very productive.

  • 60 days for snap, 80 days for dry beans
  • Organic
  • Bush bean
  • Snap or dry bean
  • Stringless pods when young
  • Excellent dual purpose bean

This variety works for:

  • Fresh eating
  • Steaming
  • Roasting
  • Canning
  • Soups
  • Freezing

When preparing your snap beans, clean off the ends and wash before lightly braising them with garlic and tossing with bacon. You can also add them to salads or serve them with dip or hummus as an appetizer.

Try these in your favorite baked beans recipe. You can also try pairing the cooked beans with corn, chilies, cumin, garlic, cilantro, fresh cheeses and bitter greens.

Growing Instructions

Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest snap beans frequently for increased yields. Leave some pods on the vine and harvest when completely mature for dry beans.

  • Direct Seed: 2" Apart
  • Seed Depth: 1"
  • Rows Apart: 36-48"
  • Light: Full Sun

Everyones favorite Painted Pointed


I bought Painted Pony last year and was surprised to see no reviews. I bought 4 varieties last summer and this was my favorite. Produced plentiful amount of beans, enough beans for 2 families. Glad I saved beans from last year.

Prolific but not stringless.


I grew these for the first time this year. They are prolific and grew on compact plants. However, I do not agree that they're stringless. Unless you harvest them early as a green bean the pods get stringy/woody and are then useless as a green bean. I was not diligent in harvesting enough to process as green beans so I missed that window. Now I'm letting the plants go to see how they fare as dry bean material. Hopefully most of the plants last before getting mowed down to the nub by the rabbits.

Great Bean, but not prolific


Full transparency, I'm in zone 5 and my plants did get attacked by Japanese beetles early in the season. The beans I did get were excellent. You can leave them on the bush until the pod is yellow or take them off green and let them dry indoors. Having said that, I didn't get a lot of beans. For 4 plants I was able to dry half a cup.

Painted Pony's worth a second try


Planted 5 OLD painted Pony seeds found in a mixed bean bag. One plant survived. Beans that came off had great flavor, thin, snap, stringless when young. Easy to shell as dried pods. Nice quantities. Glad to find them here. Will definitely order and try on a larger scale. I'm partial to the name... Have real painted ponies in the pasture.

Great bush bean


Very productive. No diseases or other issues noted. Reliable producer.

Honest Review


These are not good for eating nor canning. They aren't strangles, in fact they're very stringy and thick. I've harvested them both young and immature and they tasted awful so I let them grow a bit bigger only to have such thick woody texture and completely useless. At this point I wont harvest anymore and wait for them to dry out and harvest as a dried bean. Zone 4A.