Old-Fashioned Vining Petunia
Item Details
Common in Iowa gardens a century ago, this fragrant, old-fashioned beauty offers vintage appeal. Its aromatic, single-trumpeted flowers can be white, pink, lavender, or purple; they bloom from June until hard frost. The strong plants have trailing 2-3' stems, and work well in hanging baskets as well as borders.
- Organic
- Annual plants can be grown as a perennial in Zones 9-11
- Mix of fragrant white, pink, lavender, and purple flowers
- Self-seeding and grows well in containers
- Trailing stems grow to 2-3 feet
Growing Instructions
Instructions - Sow seeds indoors on the surface of the soil. Plant outdoors after the danger of frost has passed in late spring. Prefers average soil. Remove spent blossoms regularly to prolong blooming.
- Start Indoors: 8-10 weeks before last frost
- Germination: 7-10 Days
- Plant Outdoors: 7-10” Apart
- Light: Sun/Partial Shade
Ratings & Reviews
6 reviews
Prefeered over other petunias
by MAY
A multi use and multi year plant. Pronounced fragrance, especially the darker blossoms. Also self seeds at the drop of a hat, even out doors. Once you plant them, you can have them for years without a lot of work.
by myd
Flowers started in early june. Some flowers are more fragrant than others, but the fragrance wafts in the air, very lovely. The colors are understated and very pretty. I cut these (leaving a long stem) to add to flower arrangements and they do very well that way.
Colorful, fragrant, and extremely resilient to endless heat.
by Teresa
The seeds I started all germinated with a very high success rate, and the starts were incredibly healthy. The petunias are gorgeous and very prolific on each individual plant. I have some in containers and they are a draping blanket of subtly fragrant color. I also planted some in the garden to trellis up poles. Hummingbirds, hummingbird moths, bees love these. And, I am thrilled how well these have held up during our exceptionally and unusually hot summer weather (we're going on a month of triple-digit and near-triple-digit days, with nights that barely dip below 60). These have been some of the most resilient annuals in our garden this year, whether they are in the garden beds, in planters, or in hanging baskets. Looking forward to growing these again next year.
Love these!
by Leslie
Planted these for the first time last year, in a raised bed. FABULOUS. I live in Zone 5, and even after many hard frosts and freezes and down into the low teens, these flowers are still trying to grow. Great fragrance!
Turf War
by Eastern Iowa
Purchased these once and they escaped into the lawn. Five year battle ensued and victor yet to be determined. Pretty colors, lovely scent, conquerors of turf. Sadly, cannot recommend.
Best Petunia
by Anthony
This is my favorite patunia. I think they look the best planted in a drift in a flower bed. I have these petunias planted by our family's patio. With Gibsonii Caster Bean.
Also self seeds great.