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  • Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato

Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato

SKU: 0663
$3.95 to $33.08

Item Details

Brought into the U.S. by Yasha Crnkovic, a colleague of Seed Savers Exchange member Carolyn Male. Heavy yields of pink beefsteak fruits which weigh up to a pound each. Fruits have near perfect shoulders that rarely crack. Delicious full tomato flavor.

  • 70-90 days from transplant
  • Conventional
  • Pink beefsteak fruits grow up to 1 pound
  • Indeterminate - Fruit ripens throughout the season
  • Delicious full tomato flavor
  • Fruits have near perfect shoulders that rarely crack
  • Highly productive

This variety works for:

  • Fresh eating
  • Sauce
  • Roasting
  • Canning

Store your tomatoes at room temperature. The flavor and texture of tomatoes suffer when the fruit is chilled.

Heirloom tomatoes are bred for their flavor and simple preparation best allows that intense flavor to shine through. Tomatoes can be sliced and drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper or layer slices with basil and mozzarella for a Caprese salad.

Roasted tomatoes have a richer, concentrated flavor.

There are hundreds of salsa recipes to try and most are dramatically improved with the use of heirloom tomatoes. Tomatoes are also the main ingredient in Gazpacho, a cold soup that is perfect for summer.

Growing Instructions

Instructions - Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.

  • Start Indoors: 6 weeks before last frost
  • Germination: 7-14 Days
  • Plant Outdoors: 24-36” Apart
  • Support: Cage, stake, or trellis

Ratings & Reviews

5 reviews

Good size pink tomato


Zone 5b IL. This tomato produced beautiful pink fruit with good flavor. Unfortunately, this variety is the only one in my garden that had issues with mold. All the fruits would begin getting mold spots before the shoulders ripened completely. Great germination rate. Will try to plant again next year with additional mold prevention.



Probably my best performing plant in 2020. Consistently produced big 1 pound fruits throughout the entire growing season. Strong healthy foliage and was the last plant to catch the blight.

The Main Event of The Summer Garden!!!


Once you’ve tried these you will find yourself like us, waiting in anticipation for the main event of the Summer garden when these superstars perform!

This tomato is an example of what is worth growing in the home garden year after year: taste not only far superior to store bought but better than others grown at home. We have planted other heirlooms, good heirlooms, but the flavor of Crnković is exquisite. The taste is everything one dreams of Summer Tomato season being on a January day. They remind me very much of the home variety my family in Europe grows where they have saved their seeds for years.

We plant a row of Crnković annually. Even though I don’t mind cutting around cracks for better flavor, these very rarely having any cracking at all and are beautiful for slicing. They are very fleshy and therefore wonderful to cut into wedges as well to serve up with a plate of meats, cheeses and bread. Zone 7a ripens late July/early August, performs until frost.

Fun to grow, not the best slicer


Massive, fun, tomatoes to grow! Wasn't a total fan of the flavor, they were very mild. Good for cooking with, but not the best slicer, IMO.



I've been growing Crnkovics for 12 years or so and it's one of my very favorite tomatoes, large fruit, very meaty with excellent flavor. I've turned at least a half dozen people onto these and now they're sold too!